Unlock a new level of process automation with the Zapier app. You can create automation workflows without writing a single line of code!
How to install the integration app?
In the Marketplace section, there is a free Zapier app. After installing it, you will receive the necessary parameters for integration. Click Get to proceed.
Next, go to the settings of the already installed app.
Here, you will find the data needed for further integration.
How to set up the integration?
Sign up or log in to Zapier.
2. Go to Zapier, and in the Zaps section, create a new Zap.
3. Next, go to the Zap and add a new Step, then search for the Uspacy app.
4. Click Sign in.
A window will open where you need to paste the Secret Key from the Zapier settings in the Space app.
5. Now you can work and add new modules.
If you have additional questions or you need to contact the support, send a request to this email [email protected]