If you need to analyze your work or prepare specific reports, Data export will come in handy. This will allow you to export all the necessary information about your tasks into a separate *.xlsx file.
How to do it?
First, go to the Tasks page.
At Uspacy, there are two types of data export. The first is exporting data from the table, and the second is a full export. The difference lies in the volume of data and the fields that will be exported into the file.
🌟 Access to export, regardless of the type, is available only to the administrator or the Space owner.
Export from the table
To do this, check the tasks you want to export. As a result, an Export button will appear.
🟣 If you check the box in the table header, all the tasks on the page will be selected.
🟣 If you click Select all, all the tasks in the table will be selected.
Additionally, the tasks that are displayed in the table according to the applied filters will be highlighted when this button is applied.
So, to export all tasks in Space, you should first reset the filters.
After clicking the Export button, a window will open, where you will need to confirm your action.
The system will also notify you that only the data about the selected tasks and information about the fields currently displayed in the table will be exported. In other words, the file will contain the entity characteristics listed in the header of each column.
So before starting the export from the table, think about what task information you need and adjust the field display.
💡 If you used the Select all option, there will be a small difference. As a result, the file will contain all the data that corresponds to the applied filters but only with the information in the fields currently displayed in the table.
Full export
To do this, click on the gear icon next to the entity name and select the corresponding option.
After clicking, a window will open, where you will need to confirm your action.
💡 The full export includes data about all tasks and information from all fields (regardless of whether they are displayed in the table).
It doesn’t matter which of the two types of export you use, but after clicking the export button, a window will open informing you that the process has begun.
You just need to wait for it to finish. The data will be successfully exported into a separate *.xlsx file, which will be automatically downloaded.
You can easily open it on your work computer.
If you have additional questions or you need to contact the support, send a request to this email [email protected]