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Data import from a file for Smart Objects
Data import from a file for Smart Objects

We'll show how to load a file to import data from it, map the fields from the file to the fields from Uspacy, and how to start the import

Uspacy Support Team avatar
Written by Uspacy Support Team
Updated over a week ago

If you already work with smart objects (SO) at Uspacy, but have some additional data stored in Excel tables, you can now import it to the Workspace.

💡 Only the administrator or Space owner can do this.

General tips

1. If elements of smart objects must be bound to CRM elements (through the Binding to entity field type), then it is necessary:

🟣 correctly specify the names in the Excel file. That is, the leads, deals, contacts or companies that are bound to the imported SO elements must have exactly the same names as in your CRM database in the Workspace. If the names differ by even one character, such information will NOT be saved and displayed in the cards.

🟣 correctly map the columns when importing. That is, map the column from the file that contains the names of leads (deals, contacts or companies) to the required field from Uspacy through the Binding to entity type: Leads (Entity in CRM), Deals (Entity in CRM), Contacts (Entity in CRM ), Companies (Entity in CRM).

2. If the possibility to work with directions is provided for a smart object and you need to transfer elements to each of the existing ones, then take into account the following:

🟣 the import file must contain data of only one direction;

🟣 for correct data transfer and mapping, create several separate Excel tables and import them one by one. 1 direction with all stages and SO elements in them = 1 file.

💡In addition, you need to correctly map the fields.

  • For example, if a column contains text, then do not try to map it to numeric fields or to a phone number field.

  • For the Checkbox field, the values ​​in the column cells should only be "yes" or "no". Any other text will be interpreted by the system as "no".

  • The money and currency (at Uspacy these fields must have the type Money) must be specified in separate columns of the file. In addition, the latter must be specified in an international format, for example, UAH or USD. If you don’t do that, the hryvnia will be automatically entered as the currency.

  • Data in the Date field must always be in the format or dd/mm/yyyy.

  • For a field of type Number with a fractional part, the values ​​in the cells of the column must be separated by a dot, i.e. 3.55 or 1.68.

Uploading a file

To start import, go to the page of the desired SO, click on the gear and select Import from file.

💡Or you can do it through the section Settings - Import and migrations.

In the window that opens, select the SO to which you want to import data.

Next step is to upload the file from your personal computer.

❗️The file for import must be of *csv format.

The columns in it will be mapped to CRM fields. Each row of the file is a separate element of the SO.

Preview and fields mapping

The settings and preview page will open. Here you can set the import parameters and map the fields from the file to the fields in CRM.

First pay attention to: Encoding, Delimiter and Field mapping Type.

💡 Tips

  • If the data contains extraneous characters, try to change the encoding.

  • If all the data is displayed in one column, then try to change the delimiter.

Next, select whether the first row will contain headers. If you uncheck the box, it will look like the screenshot below.

☝🏻If the first row of the file does not contain headers, it will participate in the import. That is, the SO element will be created as a result of the transfer.

If you leave a check mark, the headings will be highlighted. In this case the first row of the file will not participate in the import.

Specify whether to skip empty columns as well. If you uncheck the box, you will see an empty column in your file on the preview page.

If you leave the check mark, the column will not be displayed.

❗️☝🏻But note, if the option is active but you still see an empty column, it means that there is no data in the rows that are available for preview. But in general, the file in this column has filled rows, but they did not get into the preview mode.

You can return to the previous settings at any time using the reset button.

For a successful import, you need to map the fields from the file to the fields in CRM. The system does this automatically. But it maps some fields according to the required values at once.

And others - to the value Do not import. For them, you need to manually specify the fields to which the information from the rows of the file will be imported.

💡If you leave the value Do not import, then the data from this column will not be imported at all.

At any time before the import starts, you can delete all mappings by clicking on the special button.

But you must confirm your actions. The system will also inform you that all fields will need to be mapped manually after the reset. That is, it will not be possible to return to the previous settings, as well as to start the import.

As a result of the reset, all columns from the file will move to the Unmapped fields section.

💡 Fields that could not be mapped for technical reasons may also be displayed here.

You can create your own mapping field if you lack existing ones.

To do this, when selecting a field to map, scroll down the list and click Create a new field.

The form for creating a custom field will open. Fill it out and save.

🔍 You can read more on how to create custom fields in the following article.

The new field is now available to select when mapping.

When all fields are mapped, click the Continue button.

Mapping of users

If you have a user type field for mapping, for example it might be Person responsible, then map the users from the file to the users at Uspacy before the import starts.

The system will automatically transfer you to this step after clicking the Continue button.

If the names and surnames match, then the mapping will be done immediately.

If not, you need to do it manually.

Mapping of stages

If it is possible to work with directions for smart objects, and you need to transfer elements to each of the existing ones, then before the import starts, map the stages from the file to the stages of the corresponding direction at Uspacy.

The system will automatically transfer you to this step after clicking the Continue button.

❗️If you skip this and start the import without mapping the Stage field, then all your SO elements will be transferred to the first stage of the standard (first) direction.

The system will automatically start mapping. If there is no mapping between the stages from the file and the stages of the first (standard) direction, the option to create a stage when importing will be offered.

Pay attention to the funnel control block. Here you can specify the correct one, that is, the one to which the deal from the file is planned to be imported. Or create a new direction at all.

🔍 Creating directions for SO is similar to creating funnels for deals, so you can read more in the following article.

After selecting the desired SO funnel, the stages of which coincide with the stages from the file, automatic mapping will take place. This will work as long as the stage names from the file and from Uspacy are identical.

💡Of course, if necessary, you can change the stages manually.

Or, if there isn’t something you need, you can select the option to create when importing. As a result, after importing the data, stages from the file that were missing in the mapping process will appear in your CRM.

If failed stages are imported, specify the reason for failure.

It can also be created when importing. As a result, after importing the data, a stage from the file that was missing in the mapping process will appear in your CRM.

In addition, at any time you can go to the settings of the funnel to which you plan to import deals from the file.

The possibility to rename and create new stages and failure reasons are available here.

🔍 The principle of working with directions in smart objects is similar to the principle of working with multifunnels in deals. Therefore, we recommend you to read the following article.

When everything is ready, you can move on ⬇️

Import running and the result

After configuring the mapping of fields and import parameters (mapping of users and stages), you can start the process of importing data from the file to the SO. To do this, click the Start import button.

❗️ We remind

  • At least one mapped field is required for import. Otherwise, the system will not be able to start data import.

  • Data from fields left unmapped will not be transferred. Therefore, keep this in mind when starting import. But the system will allow you to go back and map the fields so that you don't accidentally lose important data.

Now just wait for the import to complete to start working with your data at Uspacy.

❗️ Do not close the page!

If the import is successful, you will see a corresponding message about it in the window 🚀

💡In case of an error, you can try to upload the file again, map the fields and start the import again.

Now everything is ready! The data has been transferred to your Space, you can start working with it.

If you have additional questions or you need to contact the support, send a request to this email [email protected]

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