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Notification settings in Space

Here we will explain all the categories of notifications available in Uspacy, how to configure them, and some features of these settings

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Written by Uspacy Support Team
Updated over a week ago

Notifications are messages that inform the user about certain events, updates or changes. They can appear as pop-ups, banners or beeps on computers, smartphones or program interfaces.

At Uspacy, notifications are a way to inform about certain changes while working with Space tools. For example, to notify about a new lead or deal, about a comment on a post or a task as well as a message in an internal chat, etc.

Notification categories

At Uspacy, all notifications can be divided into two categories:

🟣 communication - those used for the Communication hub. First, they inform the user about new messages in internal chats.

Notifications for External lines and Email are displayed as well. Graphic marks will inform you about new messages in these channels. There is also a specific sound for the External lines notifications.

So, by looking at the icons, we can understand whether someone has written to us or not. When a new message arrives, a pop-up notification also appears from the browser you are using or the desktop application if you are working with chats there.

🟣 system - those used for all other Space tools. They inform the user (sound and graphically) about certain events and changes that occur while working in CRM, with Activities, Tasks and Newsfeed. To view such notifications, just click on the 🔔 icon.

The notification block contains three tabs. It helps to quickly understand where to concentrate first. For example, the Mentions tab will select for you those notifications that contain the same mentions with the @ symbol.

In addition, each notification provides an understanding of which Space tool is being interacted with and what its type is. For example, a colleague made some changes to a task or created a new one and assigned you as the responsible person.

You can also use the Read all button.

In this case, the graphic mark next to the bell will disappear. And all notifications automatically become read. The Unread and Mentions tabs will be cleared.

But you can find the notifications in the All notifications tab. A maximum of 200 can be stored here. New notifications replace older ones.

How to configure notifications?

To go to their settings, just click on the gear in the notification block.

Or you can go to the profile settings in the Notifications tab.

It’s possible to manage notifications in such Space sections as: Communication hub, CRM, Activities, Tasks and Newsfeed. You can select the ways to receive notifications as well. That is, inform directly in the Space (bell in the web version), in the Desktop application (program message), Browser (pop-up system message) or Mobile application (Push-notification).

The notification setting has a basic and an advanced version.

The first is characterized only by granting permission to send all types of notifications in each of the sections. Just select which ways to notify (Space, Desktop or Mobile application, Browser).

🌟Only the basic version of notification settings is available for users of the Free plan.

Advanced settings provide the possibility to manage notification types in each of the available sections.

💡Please note that some sections cannot receive notifications in a certain way.

For example, in the Communication hub, you can configure all methods, except for system notifications from Space. That is, it is impossible to notify about new chats in the block with 🔔.

For CRM and Activities, it is impossible to send notifications in the mobile application, because these tools are not available there yet.

So, configure the desired notification methods for different sections. And be sure to save all changes.

Features of notification settings

🟣 If in the advanced settings you need to enable all types of notifications for a certain method in the section, then check the main checkbox located under the name of the method.

🟣 If, on the contrary, you need to turn off all types of notifications in a certain way, then click on the already checked main checkbox.

🟣 If not all types of notifications are checked in the advanced settings section, then the main checkbox will contain a minus sign.

For basic settings, the same thing is applied.

🟣 If you enable a certain type of notification in the basic settings for the section, that is, check the desired checkbox.

Then in the advanced settings of this section, all types of notifications will be automatically enabled.

🟣 If in the basic settings for the section, disable notifications of a certain type, i.e. uncheck the desired flag.

Then in the advanced settings of this section, all types of notifications will be automatically disabled.

Features of notifications in the browser

To receive browser notifications both in chats and other sections, you also need to enable sound and push notifications. This should be done in the browser you are working with and in the settings of your computer as well.

🔍 For more details on the topic, go to the following article.

If you have additional questions or you need to contact the support, send a request to this email [email protected]

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