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Company structure at Uspacy. Appearance, logic of building and operation
Company structure at Uspacy. Appearance, logic of building and operation

In this article, we will tell you what the company structure is at Uspacy Space, how to create it and how users can interact with it

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Written by Uspacy Support Team
Updated over a week ago

The company structure at Uspacy is a collection of departments and subdepartments (structural units of different levels), by which all employees - users of the space - are assigned.

Its purpose is to help build a correct idea of what the company does, who works in it, who reports to whom, how internal interaction and decision-making take place.

Appearance and logic of building

To go to the Company structure, you need to use the item of the same name in the Company and people section in the left menu.

The employee department always goes first. It represents the whole company and includes all active users of Space.

❗️It is impossible to delete this department. But you can edit, for example, change its name.

If the company structure is not configured in the space yet, then the page will look like this.

By default, this will contain only an employee department. If there is an administrator or a user with appropriate rights on the company structure page, the option to create departments will be available to them.

Departments and subdepartments are structural subdepartments-blocks, which are located in the form of a multi-level list, one after the other. By default, when you go to the structure page, only departments, i.e. 1 level, are displayed.

If the department contains additional structural subdepartments of a lower level, they can be viewed and expanded in the list at once. And then, of course, collapse them. To do this, you need to click on the department block and pointer arrows will show you whether it is possible to expand or collapse these elements.

Follow the same instructions if you need to review the structural subdepartments of the lower level in the subdepartment.

❗️At Uspacy, you can build a branched company structure, but it is limited to three levels of hierarchy, which does not take into account the employee department.

Functional interaction possibilities of users with the structure of the company

As we found out earlier, the company structure page displays all the created departments and subdepartments.

Each structural subdepartment is a separate block with brief information and a set of certain interaction possibilities. They depend on the role and access rights of users in the space.

Similarly, roles and access rights affect the possibility to create a new department or delete a department.

When viewing and configuring the company structure, users can:

Create a department.

Only an administrator or a user with certain rights can do this.

🔍 You can read more about how to create departments in the following article.

Review the department (subdepartment).

If you click on its title, the card of this structural department will open.

It contains general information, namely the name and description. The staff is also specified: the head and employees of this department.

To view the entire list of users attached to it, click Show more.

In the window that opens, you can use the search bar and find the required employee by his/her name or surname.

You can view a short profile of a colleague with the option of going to a separate page. To do this, click on his/her photo or name.

To go to the employee's profile page or message him/her to a chat from the search window, you need to click on the corresponding functional buttons.

Employees without the necessary rights can only view department cards. And the administrator and users with certain access rights can switch to edit mode and make changes.

🔍 You can read more about editing departments in the following article.

View the number of employees in the department and its head, without going to the card.

This opportunity is available to all users of the space.

The department includes all employees who work in it, as well as in its subdepartments (in all structural units of a lower level), together with heads.

❗️If a user is assigned to several subdepartments or a department and a subdepartment at the same time, such user is included in the total number only once.

When clicking on the head’s photo, a short profile form opens with the possibility to go to a separate page.

Full interaction menu with the department.

It’s only available to an administrator or user with certain rights. To call it, you need to click on the three dots on the right side of the department (subdepartment) block.

So, using this menu, you can view the department, create a subdepartment in it, edit and delete it.

  • The Open item goes to viewing the department card. It’s an alternative to clicking on the department title.

  • The Add item creates a new subdepartment in a specifically selected department.

❗️ In this case, the Department field is filled out automatically.

  • The Edit item goes to the already activated mode of making changes.

  • Delete item - completely removes the department (subdepartment) together with the subdepartments from the company structure.

🔍 You can read more about deleting structural subdepartments in the following article.

Therefore, ordinary users have access to view the card of the department or subdepartment, as well as the profile of its head. They also see the number of employees in each structural subdepartment.

In addition to these options, the administrator and users with certain rights have access to a full interaction menu, including editing, creating and deleting departments.

If you have additional questions or you need to contact the support, send a request to this email [email protected]

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