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How to work with activities?
How to work with activities?

Here we will talk about all possible interactions with activities, namely how to view detailed information about them, how to edit, etc.

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Written by Uspacy Support Team
Updated over a week ago

Activities in CRM are designed to plan work with leads, deals, contacts, companies and smart objects.

🔍 You can read more on how to create activities in the following article.

You can work with this supporting entity in the CRM and Sales section - Activities page.

Or directly in the card of the entity for which the activity was created.

List of activities

It has the form of a table consisting of rows and columns. A row is an individual activity. And the column is a component that characterizes the activity, for example, its name, entity for which it was created, person responsible or status.

💡Please note that the Start date contains not only a specific date, but also a color marking:

green - the activity is scheduled, it will start no later than a month from now;

orange - the activity is scheduled, it will start on the current date;

gray - the activity is completed, canceled or it is scheduled for a date that will occur in 1 month or more.

red - the activity is expired, i.e. it has not been performed at all.

You can configure the display of these characteristics in the list. To do this, you need to click on the gear and activate or deactivate the desired ones in the list.

❗️Only the Name is a required field, it is impossible to disable the display of the name. All other characteristics can be either hidden or, on the contrary, configured so that they are visible.

In the list, you can specify how many rows - activities will be shown on the page at once.

The minimum number of them is 5, and the maximum is 100. By default, the system shows 20 rows per page. And you can also see the total number of activities in this list.

It is possible to sort the table data in each column in forward order (descending) or reverse (ascending).

When you move the cursor over the column name, a content sorting arrow appears.

When it is first clicked, the data will be displayed in direct order. When clicking a second time, the sorting takes place in the reverse order. Clicking a third time resets the sorting in the selected column and returns to the standard display of the list.

Interaction menu

When the cursor is placed on the name of the activity in the list, a button for calling the interaction menu appears.

Here you can Edit an activity, Copy its link or Delete it.

💡 If the activity has already been completed or canceled, then the Edit item will not be available.

In the entity card, the activity also has an interaction menu. It contains Edit and Delete items.

💡 Just like in the list, if the activity has already been completed or canceled, then the Edit item will not be available.

Mass actions

If there is a need to interact with several activities at the same time, then mass actions will come in handy.

First, check the elements you want. Then select exactly what you need to do. Mass deletion and export are available for activities.

🔍 You can read more at these links:

Viewing details

To open the activity viewing window, click on its name.

All information about the activity will be displayed here.

In this window, you can complete the task, edit it, duplicate it, copy its link, or delete it at once.


As we have already seen, there are several ways to go to this mode.

  • The first is through the interaction menu in the list of activities.

  • The second is through the activity interaction menu in the card of the connected CRM element.

  • The third is through the interaction menu in the viewing mode.

Select any of these methods to make changes. And the form for editing will look the same way.

After making changes, Save them.

Activity completion

In activity viewing mode, you can proceed to its completion. To do this, just click the Done button. If the activity is no longer relevant and you no longer need to deal with it, click Cancel.

Or you can do it directly in the card of the entity for which the activity is scheduled.

If the activity is completed successfully, it receives the status Completed.

If for some reason it was not possible to complete the activity, then it receives the status Canceled.

Making a copy (duplicate)

This option is available in the activity interaction menu in activity viewing mode.

After clicking the Duplicate (Make a copy), the form for creating a new activity will open. But the fields will already be filled out with information. Of course, you can make the necessary changes and save them.

After that, the new duplicate activity will be available in the list.

Copy link

We remind you that you can do this:

  • through the interaction menu with the activity in the list;

  • through the menu of interaction with the activity in the viewing mode.

You can send the copied link to colleagues in chat or open it in a new tab.


You can also do this in several ways:

  • through the interaction menu with the activity in the list;

  • through the menu of interaction with the activity in the viewing mode;

  • through the activity interaction menu in the card of the entity connected with it.

If you delete using the first two methods, you will need to confirm your actions.

As a result, you will receive a special notification from the system.

Filters and search

Above the list of activities there is a search bar and filters: Status, Event date, Activity type, Person responsible, Members.

Filters help you find a certain set of activities that are united by common features. For example, you can configure the display in the list of activities only by certain types.

Or find all activities by specific members and status.

And using the search bar, you can find activities by name.

❗️Please note that the search must take filter settings into account. What values are specified in each of the filters will affect the search result.

If you have additional questions or you need to contact the support, send a request to this email [email protected]

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