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Import of employees from a file
Import of employees from a file

Here we will tell you how to upload the file for importing employees, map the fields to the fields at Uspacy and how to start the import

Uspacy Support Team avatar
Written by Uspacy Support Team
Updated over a week ago

You can also use Import from file to add new employees to the Space. As a result, user data will be transferred to the system and will be displayed in their profiles. In addition, employees will be imported into the company structure, to the department in which they work.

💡 Only an administrator or superadministrator of Space can do this.

Uploading a file

To start the import, go to the Employees page, click the gear and select Import from file.

Next, upload the file from your personal computer.

❗️The file for import must be in *CSV format in UTF-8 encoding. In Excel, this is named: CSV UTF-8 (comma-delimited) (*csv).

The columns in it will be mapped to the fields at Uspacy. And each row of the file is data about a separate employee.

Pay attention to the import recommendations.

You can also use a template.

🔍 If you have difficulties with the correct display of the template in Excel, we advise you to read our article, where we told how to fix it.

Preview and fields mapping

The settings and preview page will open. Here you can configure import parameters and map fields from the file to the fields at Uspacy.

First pay attention to: Encoding, Delimiter and Field mapping type.

💡 Advice

  • If the data contains extraneous characters, try changing the encoding.

  • If all the data is displayed in one column, then try changing the delimiter.

Next, select whether the first row will contain headers. If you uncheck the box, it will look like the screenshot below.

☝🏻If the first row of the file does not contain headers, then it will be imported. An element (employee) will be created as a result of the import.

And if you leave a check mark, the headers will be highlighted. The first row of the file will not be involved in import.

Also specify whether to skip empty columns. If you uncheck the box, then on the preview page you will see an empty column that is in your file.

If you leave a check mark, the column will not be displayed.

❗️☝🏻But note that if the option is active but you still see an empty column, it means that there is no data in the rows that are available for preview. But in general, the file in this column has filled rows, but they did not get into the preview mode.

You can return to the previous settings at any time using the reset button.

For a successful import, you need to map the fields from the file to the fields at Uspacy. The system does this automatically. But it maps some fields according to the required values at once.

And others - to the value Do not import. For them, you need to manually specify the fields into which the information from the rows of the file will be transferred.

❗️If you leave the value Do not import, then the data from this column will not be transferred at all.

At any time before the import starts, you can delete all mappings by clicking on the special button.

But you must confirm your actions. The system will also inform you that all fields will need to be mapped manually after the reset. That is, you will not be able to return to the previous settings, as well as to start the import.

As a result of the reset, all columns from the file will be transferred to the Unmapped fields section. Fields that could not be mapped for technical reasons may also be displayed here.

Peculiarities of fields mapping

To correctly import employees and proceed to the next step, you must have the Email address:Main column in the file and map it to a similar field at Uspacy.

☝🏻❗️This email will be used for further user login to the Space. If you do not map this column to the field at Uspacy, you will not be able to start the import. The system will definitely ask you to map it manually.

If you do not fill out the data about the main email for an employee in the file, then as a result it will NOT be imported at all. And his/her data will not be entered into the system.

💡In addition:

  • If the employee has email on the domain ru or by as the main email address, then it is NOT imported at all.

  • It is NOT possible for the same email addresses or telephone numbers to be used for different employees. They must be unique for each user you import into the Space.

  • If an employee's email address or phone number is specified several times, but in different columns, then this information will be added ONLY ONCE, and will not be duplicated in different fields of the profile.

  • For the correct transfer of information about dates, for example, the dates of birth of employees, you need to specify them without extraneous characters, such as a space before or after the date.

It is necessary to also have the Department and Country columns in the file and map them to the same fields at Uspacy.

☝🏻 If you do not do this, then after the end of the import, the employees will be added to the main department of the company. The system will warn about this in a special message.

You may not have the Country column in your file at all. In this case, this information will not be transferred to the employee profile.

If there is a Country column in the file, and it is mapped to a field at Uspacy, then in the second step you will need to map it.

At least one mapped field is required to start the import. Otherwise, the system will not be able to start data import.

💡 To import employees, this field can be the main email address.

When everything is ready, you can move on ⬇️.

The mapping of departments and countries

In this step, you need to map the departments and countries from the file to the departments and countries at Uspacy.

The first is the Departments tab.

It will be available if there is such a column in the file and it was mapped to the Uspacy field in the Field mapping step.

Check if the mapping is correct. If the names map, everything will be filled out automatically. It will work if the department names from the file and the department names at Uspacy are identical.

If the names do not map, you can manually map them.

💡 The system will automatically map the name of the main department of your company at Uspacy.

If you leave it as it is, then after the import is complete, the employees will be added there.

Or if there is no corresponding department at Uspacy at all, it can be created in the import window at once. For this, it is enough to use a special button.

The form for creating a new department will open directly in the import window.

You only need to fill out the fields and click Save.

The newly created department will appear in the field for mapping at once.

Next, you need to switch to the Countries tab.

It will be available if there is such a column in the file and it was mapped to the Uspacy field in the Field mapping step.

Check if the mapping is correct. If the names of the countries map, everything will be filled out automatically. That is, it will work if the names of the countries from the file and the names that exist in the system are identical.

If the names do not map, you can manually map them.

The system in such cases will report that the mapping is Not selected.

If you don't map manually, after the import is complete, the country information will NOT be transferred to the employee profile at all.

When everything is ready, you can move on ⬇️

The start and the result of import

After configuring the import parameters, the required mappings of fields, departments and countries, you can start the process of transferring employee data from the file to Uspacy. To do this, click the Start import button.

Now just wait for the import to complete so that your employees can start working at Uspacy.

❗️ Do not close the page

If the import is successful, you will see the corresponding message 🚀

💡In case of an error, you can try to upload the file again, map the fields and start the import.

Now everything is ready! Employees are transferred to your Space, added to their departments, and are part of the company.

In order to successfully log in and start working in Space, users whose data was also transferred during import need to recover passwords from their accounts.

That is, perform all the same steps as in the situation when you simply forgot your password.

🔍 You can read more about password recovery in the following article.

If you have additional questions or you need to contact the support, send a request to this email [email protected]

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