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Ways of interaction with smart objects
Ways of interaction with smart objects

We'll tell you where all the entities (smart objects) are stored and how to interact with these entities in the list

Uspacy Support Team avatar
Written by Uspacy Support Team
Updated over 3 months ago

🪄 Pay attention that in the first release of our product, we named this tool Universal entities. But now you can see changes in its name in your spaces. From now on this tool will be known as Smart objects.

Smart objects are entities that are created by users independently and have a certain set of parameters. They can be used if the predefined, i.e., default CRM entities, do not fully meet the specifics of work and business needs.

All the smart objects (own entities) you have created can be found in the Smart objects section.

They will be displayed in a table where you can view main information about them. Namely, the name, who created it, who changed it, the date it was created and the date it was updated.

But the display of these characteristics can be configured. Only the Title is required, it is not possible to disable it. All other characteristics can be either hidden or, on the contrary, configured so that they are visible.

To start working with a smart object, you can:

🟣 Click on its title in the general list of your own created entities.

🟣 Use the left menu if the smart object is displayed as a separate item.

After that, a smart object page opens where you can work with it.

🔍You can read more about work with the created custom entities in the following article.

Interaction with smart objects in the list

If you hover the cursor on the name, a button to call the interaction menu appears on the left.

🌟 This feature is available only to the administrator or super administrator of the Space. Ordinary users cannot interact with the smart objects in the list.

When you click the button, the "quick settings"(1) and available actions(2) will be displayed.

Display in the left menu

This parameter allows you to quickly add a smart object to the left menu as a separate item or remove it from there.

Import from file

This action allows you to start the import process if you're already working with smart objects at Uspacy but have additional data stored in Excel tables.

🔍 You can read more on the topic in the following article.

Full export

This action allows you to export data about all elements of the smart object and information from all fields (regardless of whether they are displayed in the table).

🔍 Export in Smart objects works similarly to the export in CRM. Therefore, we recommend reading the article on this topic.

How to configure the entity

This action involves local editing of this particular smart object. After clicking on this item of interaction, a window will open where you can make the necessary changes to the general data (1), as well as to its parameters (2).

💡Please note:

🟣 If the Support of directions parameter is turned off after setting the directions, the existing directions are not deleted, they are just not displayed.

If the Support of directions was not enabled at all from the beginning, then the elements that are created in the smart object, by default, go to the first stage of the standard funnel. But it is not displayed visually anywhere while the parameter remains inactive.

🟣 If the Support of activities parameter is turned off after activities for the smart object have already been created and worked with, then existing activities are not deleted. But the ability to add new ones disappears. That is, the Activities tab in the smart object card will be missing. Also, in the window for creating a new activity in the Connections with Smart objects block, it will not be possible to link a smart object for which this parameter was disabled.

🟣 If the Support of tasks parameter is disabled after tasks for a smart object have already been created and worked with, the existing tasks will not be deleted. However, it will no longer be possible to add new tasks. In other words, the Tasks tab will be missing from the element cards. Additionally, in the window for creating a new task, the Smart objects field block will not allow you to link your custom entity for which this parameter has been disabled. And save everything so that the new settings take effect.

🟣 If the Support of products parameter is disabled after products for the smart object have already been created and worked with, the existing products are not removed from the general catalog. However, for the smart object, the option to select and add new products to the card disappears. This means the Products tab will be missing. At the same time, the Amount field will not disappear from the card (but it can be hidden).

And save everything so that the new settings take effect.

☝🏻 Please note that in order for other users in the Space (i.e., those who have configured permissions to work with Smart Objects in their roles) to see the changes and have them take effect, they will need to re-authenticate in the system.


This action involves switching to the settings of all smart objects created in the Space. After clicking on this item of interaction, a new browser tab will be opened on the Section settings page - on the Smart objects tab.

💡The second way is to go to the settings of all smart objects by clicking on the gear next to the title. In this case, the page will be opened in the same tab.

Each smart object here is a separate block that has its own function buttons.

The first one calls up the parameters and actions menu.

The second - expands the block and opens access to directions and field settings.

If the parameter to support directions is disabled for a smart object, then this tab will NOT be available for settings.

The principle of working with directions in smart objects is similar to the principle of working with funnels in deals. The same applies to fields in CRM. Therefore, we advise you to read our articles:

In addition, each smart object block when expanded has information about its creation date. And also if you hover the cursor on the title, icons appear for calling up the settings window and for deleting it.

On this page, you can create a new smart object if needed.

You can read more about adding smart objects to Space in the following article.


This action completely removes the created smart object from Space. After clicking on this interaction item, the system will display a warning window. Namely, it will notify that all data related to the smart object will be removed. Therefore, such an action will require additional confirmation.

💡 Please note that a similar interaction menu can be called directly on the smart object page.

🔍 For more information on working with your entity and its elements, go to the following article.

If you have additional questions or you need to contact the support, send a request to this email [email protected]

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