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Kanban board in CRM

We'll tell what a Kanban board is, how to configure it, what actions you can take with the elements here, and how filters and search work

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Written by Uspacy Support Team
Updated over a week ago

Kanban board is one of the ways to work with leads and deals in CRM. It helps manage sales and interact with elements by dividing the process into stages.

Such a visual display helps to quickly navigate and plan your work with leads and deals.

💡The Kanban board is also available for contacts and companies. But the principle of work here is different. On the Kanban board, the elements are distributed by stages, which take into account the upcoming dates of activities scheduled for contacts or companies.


The board is a virtual planner for working on leads and deals, which consists of certain stages that are created by users.

🌟 In deals for each funnel, you can configure your own stages.

🔍 You can read more on how to work with multifunnels in the following article.

Each stage is a separate column which contains a lead or a deal.

You can also see how many elements each of the stages contains.

Deals (leads) can be easily moved between stages. To do this, just click and drag the element.

How to create a new stage?

To do this, click on the purple plus icon. It will be displayed when the cursor is placed on the name of the stage.

💡Only intermediate stages can be added. The initial and final ones can be configured.

Next, specify its name and select a color.

The color can be selected from the standard ones.

Or customize your own using a palette or specifying a HEX code.

In order for the stage to be added to the Kanban board and saved, be sure to click on the check mark.

The stage is now active and can be used for work on deals (leads).

How to delete a stage?

To do this, you need to go to its editing mode. Click on the pencil icon that appears when you hover the cursor over the stage name.

🌟 Only an administrator (super administrator) or a user with the appropriate set of rights can delete stages.

Then click on the trash bin icon.

And confirm your actions.

The stage will be removed and will not be displayed on the Kanban board any more.

💡 If you try to delete a stage that contains elements, you will receive a system message that it will be impossible to do this.

That is, to delete a stage, it must be empty. Clear it of elements first and then proceed to the deletion.

❗️Check the filters when deleting an empty stage to make sure that there are definitely no elements attached to it.

For example, you want to delete a stage that seems to be empty.

At first glance, you will manage to do this. The system will even ask to confirm your actions.

But after reloading the page, you will see that the stage has not disappeared.

If you reset the filters or set them in another way, you can see that the stage will not be empty.

Now, when deleting, you will be notified that you must first clear the stage of deals (leads).

Creating deals (leads) on the Kanban board

On the Kanban board, you can use a typical and detailed way to add elements, which involves filling out all the necessary information in the CRM card at once. To do this, you need to click on the appropriate button.

A new element card will open. It is necessary to fill out all necessary data for work.

Or you can use the quick creation form of elements, which is only available when working with the Kanban board. To do this, you need to click on the plus sign, which is located under the name of each of the stages.

In this form, you need to enter basic data about the element.

In the following articles you can find more information about:

Actions with elements on the Kanban board

When you click on the three dots, a menu of interaction with the deal (lead) appears. It contains the following items: Edit, Copy link, Delete.

When clicking on the Edit button, the element card opens in editing mode. You can make changes to the required fields at once.

After that, you need to click on the Save button. The changes will be applied at once.

After clicking the Copy link button, the system will notify you of the success of the action with a special notification.

This link can be forwarded to colleagues in the chat or inserted into the browser bar and the task will be opened in a new tab.

After clicking the Delete button, a confirmation form will open.

❗️It will be impossible to restore the deleted element and the it contains.

Task search and filters

There is a search bar and filters above the Kanban board.

Filters help to find a certain group of elements that are united by common features. For example, you can configure the display of only those deals (leads) that have the status In progress.

Or find all the elements that you are responsible for.

Using the search bar, you can find deals (leads) by their name.

❗️Please note that the search must take filter settings into account. The values specified in each of the filters will affect the search result.

If you have additional questions or you need to contact the support, send a request to this email [email protected]

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