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Call card

Here we will see how a call card looks like for a lead or contact, and what ways of interaction it has depending on the entity type

Uspacy Support Team avatar
Written by Uspacy Support Team
Updated over 3 months ago

When making incoming and outgoing calls, a call card appears in your Space. This is a separate window where basic information about the subscriber with whom you have a conversation is specified. Here you can see whether it is an incoming or outgoing call, whether you are talking to a prospective client - a lead or an existing contact - a contact. In addition, there is a convenient option to create a deal right in the call card.

💡Please note that the possibility to display the call card when receiving incoming and outgoing calls is available with Phonet, Ringostat, StreamTelecom, UniTalk and Zadarma telephonies. For integration with CallsApp, this functionality will be available soon. Follow our updates😉

💡 In addition, when working with the Binotel service, you need to take into account that the card window will appear only during an outgoing call.

About everything below ⬇️

Possibilities of interaction with the card during a conversation

🟣 To go to the card of an element (lead or contact), just click on its name.

💡For leads, the name is the phrase "Incoming (outgoing) call N". Where N is the phone number. For contacts, the name is the one you gave them in your CRM database.

🟣 During the call, you can continue to work in CRM. In case the card on the screen makes it difficult to work, just collapse it.

After that, you can go between sections of the Space, open the cards of the required CRM elements, make changes to them, that is, work according to your usual scenario. At the same time, you will not lose control over the call, because the card is always at hand, only in a compact version. Of course, you can expand it at any time.

🟣 During the call, you can add a memo, for example, some important details of the conversation. To do this, just click on the special icon in the upper right corner.

An additional block with a field for memos will expand.

🌟The text memo will be saved to the description of the call after it ends.

🟣 If the conversation is with an existing client, that is, a contact, then the option to add a new deal will be available in the call card. To do this, click on the appropriate button.

An additional block will open in the card, where you can create a new deal.

As a result, the card for creating a deal will open. Fill out all required fields and save.

Done, the deal has been added to your CRM database and it will be bound to the contact you are communicating with.

💡And also in this block you can view the sales history for the client. You will always see how many deals have already been made with this contact.

If you have additional questions or you need to contact the support, send a request to this email [email protected]

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